My world 1.3 nihtmare

It was a Sunday morning. The sun was shining in the sky, and although it was hot, it was a very pleasant day.

I got in my car and drove to the beach. When I got out of the car, I was overwhelmed by the beauty of the sea. It was so blue. I walked along the seashore for about an hour. Suddenly, I saw a strange creature that came from the sea. I looked around, but no one else seemed to see him. I was the only one.

Since I was quite nervous, I decided to go back to the car. But when I was reaching him, a terrifying scream paralyzed me. People started screaming and ran desperately. Not know what to do. So I did the same thing as everyone else, running was so terrified I couldn't even move.

I closed my eyes and prayed that nothing bad would happen when suddenly I heard a familiar voice. My mother said to me 'Wake up, Victor. It's time to go to school. '


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